Innova Girls Academy is a tuition-free charter school in Rochester, NY.
In the fall of 2024, we will open for our second year and will teach students in grades K-3. We will continue to grow each year until we have K-6th grade classes.
We believe…
STEAM Education Unlocks Doors
We know that every girl has the potential to be a pioneering problem-solver. At Innova Girls Academy, every student will have a technology, engineering, and arts class every day.
An All-Girls Setting Develops Leaders
Girls who are developed as self-regulated learners in a supportive environment will be empowered for success as life-long learners and leaders.
Classrooms should spark curiosity.
For Rochester girls to excel as the leaders of tomorrow, they need access to challenging and culturally relevant curriculum today.
All students should thrive at school.
Our program is designed with girls in mind and data driven decisions are made to provide individualized supports every day.
You can’t be what you can’t see.
Every girl deserves to see herself as a leader.